
Saturday, September 26, 2009

go, go gadget.

I have a problem.

I am in love with kitchen gadgets.

Currently in my bite-sized kitchen:
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Coffee Maker
  • Coffee Bean/Spice Grinder
  • Steamer/Rice Cooker
  • Blender
  • Crock Pot
  • Ice Cream Maker
  • Bread Machine
  • Milk Frother (new)
  • Immersion Blender (new)

Apparently I'm good at convincing myself that I need all these things.


Coming up next: Recap from last night's dinner with Nicole and Cash (her pup).

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's not easy being green.

You know what else isn't easy...the Bootcamp class at Results Gym. I showed up at 7:20 and ran for 5 minutes on the treadmill for warm up. I actually thought I was going to "Urban Funk" which is like a hip hop dance class, but apparently the Fall Schedule has switched over. I decided since I was there and hadn't worked out for a while, that I'd stay. Oh boy...that class kicked my butt. Squats.Lunges.Jack knives.Dumbbells.Body Bars.Repeat. OUCH!! I was sweating so much and getting out of breath...I was amazed I pushed so hard for the whole 45 minute class. It was awesome and intense. I drank all my water and craved Gatorade. I had to pick up a prescription at Giant, so I grabbed a 32 ounce Lemon-Lime G2 Gatorade and drank chugged half of it! Tasty!

All green outfit and a green Gatorade...hehe

I also picked up a few other goodies.
(there's definitely a green theme going on here...)

I (finally) got new running shoes that provide stability and motion control for my flat feet! I LOVE them!

I had been in the market for a rolling countertop/extra storage unit and my mom found this great one! I spent about an hour on Sunday putting it together and I love it!

Last but not least, this is a picture of a partially eaten (hehe) Vegan Mango-Coconut Bread Pudding that I made using the rest of my first attempt at Bread Machine Bread! YUM!

That's enough of an update for now. I just took a Zyrtec because my allergies are killing me...That combined with my killer workout should equal some good, sound sleep!

peace and love from an apartment near chinatown.

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aardvarks are also known as "earth pigs."
