
Monday, November 23, 2009

give me carbs.

So, it's Monday. It wasn't a horrible day...or maybe that's just perspective from yesterday's horrible day.

It was pretty rainy all day, but I was relatively busy.

Breakfast was yogurt with stuff on top and my new 365 coffee!

Lunch was some spinach, chili, latkes, and a clementine. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Snacky was apples and a zbar.

I left work a little before 5:30 so I could have time to get ready for Bootcamp. Good thing I picked out my clothes last night...Traffic was a nightmare! 1 hour and 45 minutes to get home! I had to stop by Giant to pick one thing up and then rush home to change. Got home at 7:12, threw on my clothes and sneakers, popped in my eyes, filled up my water bottle and literally sprinted out the door. I was sucking wind by the time I got into class RIGHT before the first exercise started. I had a pretty crappy workout. Now any workout is better than no workout, but I had no energy and felt like I couldn't recover from a few stations. I tried to finish strong and pat myself on the back for having the dedication to show up...

Walked home in the rain and thought about dinner. I had a vegan "salami" and cheese quesadilla and half of a sweet potato w/ salsa. I was hungry and wanted CARBS!

This cheese is expensive, but the slices are thick, it's organic and vegetarian...oh and delicious!

Half moons.

I used the other half of the sweet potato and my peeled adult carrots to make soup. I just boiled some veggie stock, water and black pepper, added the dice sweet p and carrots with a dash of salt. Once they were soft, I used the immersion blender to puree it, then added some more S&P and a lot of curry powder. I think I'm going to freeze it and take it to the Wednesday Thanksgiving. I think my aunt will enjoy it :)

To finish this day off, I heated up a mug of apple cider. 'Tis the Season ;)

z made it safely to san francisco and his sister just picked him up from the airport. Four more dias.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, sorry about your long commute home! That's when a good book on tape comes in handy.

    Love that veggie puree... I'm sure your aunt will love it!


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aardvarks are also known as "earth pigs."
