
Saturday, November 7, 2009

fit for a monkey.

I went to bed around 1am because I forgot to ask for a decaf soy misto (1 pump-kin) on my mother-daughter date. Oh well...I am proud to say that I still went to the 9:30 bootcamp class this morning.

I got up around 8:45, ate a granola bar and drank some water.
Then I changed into my gym clothes and jogged the 4 blocks to the gym. I hadn't done the Saturday class before, and just don't think I'm a morning workout person...I didn't feel like I had my normal bootcamp energy. I still worked hard and got in a great workout.

I was obviously hungry when I got home, so I toasted two whole wheat Arnold Sandwich Thins, spread them with my homemade pumpkin (low fat) cream cheese and topped it with a whole banana (monkey, monkey) and cinnamon. Wow...this was awesome.

Somehow I was still a tad hungry, so I decided to use up the whole eggs that I had in the fridge. I hardly ever have a carton, but had to get them for the cupcakes I made on Halloween. I used one whole egg and 4 egg whites, a splash of unsweetened soy, ground pepper and hot sauce in the scrambled egg mix. It was a lot of eggs, so I only ate half.

They were good, but I think I'll stick to my carton of egg whites...

On another note, look at my new kitchen rug! Isn't it cute? I needed a new one because I had a little kitchen floor/gravity mishap with a gigantic bottle of olive oil.

Side One.
Side Two.

While I was shopping with my mommy, I also got a new black pea coat, the new placemats and monkey holiday mug you see above, a non-leather work belt (finally), and some of these goodies from the new grocery section at Target:
Peanut Butter & Co Cinnamon Raisin Swirl: I had this on an apple last night; YUM!
Smuckers Organic Strawberry Perserves: I wanted to find the one with real fruit, no HFCS, and Organic doesn't hurt! Ingredients: Organic Sugar, Organic Strawberries, Fruit Pectin, Citric Acid.
Arnold Whole Wheat Sandwich Thins: First time buying them and they are amazing. Even better toasted, and I rarely like things toasted! I'm never buying real bread again...
  • 100 Calories, 5g Fiber, 1g Fat, 0g Trans Fat
  • Cholesterol Free, no HFCS, Whole Grains
Decaf Sweet Coconut Thai Chai Tea: Really comforting. The smell is lovely and the flavor is just spicy enough. I'm having a mug right now!

That's all for now. It's almost Noon...I guess I should go do something with my day, though I think I feel a nap coming in the future.

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aardvarks are also known as "earth pigs."
